
Welcome to 36 Hourprint, your reliable Print on Demand haven in the UAE. As you step into our world, please take a moment to acquaint yourself with the following Terms and Conditions. Your use of our services signifies your understanding and acceptance of these terms.

1. Acceptance of Terms:

By accessing the 36 Hourprint website (the “Site”) and engaging with our services, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. If you disagree with any part of these terms, we kindly ask you to refrain from using our services.

      2. Orders and Printing:

      2.1. To initiate the creative journey, you can place an order for custom printing services on our website. The 36-hour countdown begins once you give the thumbs-up to your design.

      2.2. While we strive for a 36-40 hour delivery window for eligible products, please note that we can’t guarantee this timeline. We’re committed to doing our best, but we won’t promise the moon.

      2.3. With standard shipping, your order will arrive within 24 hours of completion, shining between 8 am and 8 pm.

      2.4. If we stumble upon designs that go against our content guidelines or just don’t fit the artistic puzzle, we reserve the right to gracefully decline.

      3. Pricing and Payment:

      3.1. Our pricing is carefully displayed on the website and may change without much fanfare.

      3.2. Payments are securely processed through our authorized gateway, ensuring your journey is smooth and secure.

      3.3. Once we receive your payment, our artisans joyfully dive into crafting your creation.

      4. Shipping and Delivery:

      4.1. Our gift of free delivery awaits orders above 100 AED within the UAE.

      4.2. Though we set our sails for timely delivery, occasional storms (unforeseen circumstances) might shake things up.

      4.3. Customs duties and taxes for international orders aren’t part of our magic carpet ride; those are handled by the universe.

      5. Intellectual Property:

      5.1. By submitting content like designs and images, you declare that you’ve got the rightful keys to that creative kingdom.

      5.2. Your gems remain yours; we’re just the humble vessel that brings them to life.

      6. Refunds and Returns:

      6.1. In the realm of customization, returns and refunds are like mirages – rarely seen. Exceptions are made for damaged or defective products.

      6.2. If you find a hiccup in your treasure, let us know within 7 days, and we’ll work on a magical replacement.

      7. Privacy and Data:

      7.1. Your personal details are kept snugly under our digital cloak, guided by our Privacy Policy.

      7.2. We might send you notes about orders and such, but you hold the reins to silence those whispers.

      8. Limitation of Liability:

      8.1. Within the vast desert of legality, our shoulders can’t carry the weight of indirect, consequential, or any other kind of damages.

      9. Changes to Terms and Conditions:

      9.1. The sands of change might shift these terms, but we’ll update you with any adjustments.

      10. Contact Us:

      Questions or concerns? Drop us a line at, and our helpful guides will be at your service.

      Thank you for choosing 36 Hourprint for your Print on Demand needs. We’re here to make your creative journey smooth and delightful.

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